DoHide v1.5 for Windows 95/NT Hide windows, take them off the screen/taskbar and ALT+TAB chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DoHide 1.41 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Fixed bugs by work under Windows 95 DoHide 1.4 ~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Russian help. 2. New "General" option "Hide windows from menu to toolbar" allow hide application to notification tray from DoHide menu. 3. Hot keys options for: a) Run screen saver; b) Logoff; c) Shutdown; d) Reboot; e) Terminate process. 4. Options from p.3 can be addeed in the menu. 5. New options for "Hide by run": a) 'F' - window will be hidden, when title fully equal; b) 'M' - window will be hidden onece, if it minimized; c) '‘' - case insensitive title compare. 6. Fixed a few bugs.